Seller Spotlight
Ponpoj Theinpradit
eBay Top-rated Seller & Platinum PowerSeller
Outstanding Sales Award Winner2009
Member Since: 2003
Country: Thailand
Main Products: Loose Gem Stones
Ponpoj’s eBay Story
• Selling gems and precious stones runs in the family for Ponpoj. His grandfather and then
  father have for decades owned a jewelry shop in Chanthaburi Province.
• When Ponpoj was first exposed to eBay while studying in Melbourne, Australia, he immediately
  recognizedits potential for his family’s business.
• Upon his return to Thailand, he used eBay to give his family’s small, local company an instant
  global resence. Overnight, the business gained access to huge markets of new buyers,
  especially in the US.
• Over the years, Ponpoj’s eBay business has grown significantly. In 2009, he received the
  Outstanding Sales Award for being eBay’s top seller in Thailand, grossing over US$1 million in
  sales that year.

Keys to Success
• Ponpoj ranks presenting products accurately through honest descriptions and realistic
  photographs askey to earning buyers’ trust.
• For Ponpoj, being a trustworthy seller has generated many return customers who are valuable
  to his business in the long run.

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