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Special eBay Tags

We've created some special tags to help you create your personal About Me page. These tags will allow you to share the same functionality available on eBay pages by helping you display your User ID, all or some of your Feedback, your items on sale, and other features commonly used throughout the eBay site.

Use these tags along with standard HTML tags to add the navigation and information users need to view your interests and participate in the auctions you feel are most important. The table below demonstrates the different tags along with the flags you can use to customise the output. None of the tags are case sensitive, uppercase and lowercase characters are present only for ease of reading.

NOTE: Please don't follow any of the links in the table below, they are only for demonstration purposes.
Displaying your eBay User ID:
Purpose Displays your User ID.

<eBayUserID> - Displays your User ID

<eBayUserID BOLD> - Displays your User ID in bold characters

<eBayUserID NOLINK> - Displays your User ID, but not as a link to your account

<eBayUserID NOFEEDBACK> - Displays your User ID, but omits your feedback score

<eBayUserID EMAIL> - Displays your User ID with your email address

<eBayUserID NOMASK> - Displays your User ID, but omits 'shades' regardless of status

Typing: Yields:
My eBay User ID is <eBayUserID> My eBay User ID is demonstration
My eBay User ID is <eBayUserID BOLD NOFEEDBACK> My eBay User ID is demonstration (65)

Displaying your eBay Feedback Items:
Purpose Displays all or some of your feedback items.

<eBayFeedback> - Displays your Feedback.

<eBayFeedback SIZE ="n"> - Displays the first n Feedback items

<eBayFeedback COLOR="specified colour "> - Changes the colour of the lower line of the feedback.

<eBayFeedback ALTERNATECOLOR="specified colour"> - Changes the colour of the upper line.

<eBayFeedback BORDER="n"> - Sets the thickness of the surrounding border to n. The default is 0.

<eBayFeedback CAPTION="specified text"> - Displays your the specified caption at the top of your Feedback table.

<eBayFeedback TABLEWIDTH="n"> - Sets the width of the Feedback table to n, where n is the width of the Feedback table as a percentage of the available space. The default is 90%.

<eBayFeedback CELLPADDING="n"> - Sets the space between the feedback comments to n. The default is 0.

Example Typing:

User: (0)Date: 08/01/98 15:28:01 Pacific Daylight Time
Praise : Tutor has an amazing page!
User: (0)Date: 08/01/98 15:28:01 Pacific Daylight Time
Neutral : Though, Tutor's colour choices are questionable at best...

Displaying your eBay Items List:
Purpose Displays all or some of the items you're selling or bidding on in table form.

<eBayItemList> - Displays the items you currently have for sale.

<eBayItemList BIDS> - Displays the items you are currently bidding on.

<eBayItemList SORT="n"> - Sorts your items list using a numeric code n to specify method.

  • 8 - Sort by date, newest first.
  • 2 - Sort by date, oldest first.
  • 3 - Sort by end date of listing, newest first.
  • 4 - Sort by price, ascending.

<eBayItemList CATEGORY="n"> - Lists items in the referenced category and its sub-categories.

  • 353 - Antiques
  • 266 - Books, Movies, Music
  • 866 - Coins & Stamps
  • 1 - Collectables
  • 160 - Computers
  • 237 - Dolls, Figures
  • 281 - Jewellery, Gemstones
  • 1047 - Photo & Electronics
  • 870 - Pottery & Glass
  • 888 - Sports Memorabilia
  • 220 - Toys & Beanie Babies
  • 99 - Miscellaneous

<eBayItemList SINCE="n"> - Sets the number of days ended auctions stay in list. If n is set to -1 (the default), only current listings will display.

<eBayItemList BORDER="n"> - Sets the thickness of the surrounding border to n. The default is 0.

<eBayItemList CAPTION="specified text"> - Displays your the specified caption at the top of your Items table.

<eBayItemList TABLEWIDTH="n"> - Sets the width of the Items table to n, where n is the width of the Items table as a percentage of the available space.

<eBayItemList CELLPADDING="n"> - Sets the space in the cells to n. The default is 0.

Example Typing:
<eBayItemList CAPTION="The place to find quality widgets" BORDER="4">

The best deals at eBay
Item Start End Price Title Winning Bidder
23946 09/01/98 09/08/98 20:44:22 23.00 Assorted Widgets No Bids Yet
23947 09/01/98 09/08/98 20:48:45 21.00 Italian Widgets No Bids Yet
23948 09/01/98 09/08/98 20:49:56 19.00 Domestic Widgets No Bids Yet
24073 09/06/98 09/13/98 10:36:51 17.00 Authentic Old West Widgets No Bids Yet
24074 09/06/98 09/09/98 10:37:56 12.00 Used Widgets No Bids Yet

Displaying the eBay Time:
Purpose Displays the current time at eBay.

<eBayTime> - Displays the time.

<eBayTime FORMAT="format specification"> - Assigns custom formatting to displayed date/time.

  • %H - is replaced by the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23).
  • %I - is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (01-12).
  • %M - is replaced by the minute as a decimal number (00-59).
  • %S - is replaced by the second as a decimal number (00-60).
  • %p - is replaced by the locale's equivalent of either "AM" or "PM".
  • %A or %a - is replaced by the locale's full or abbreviated weekday name.
  • %B or %b - is replaced by the locale's full or abbreviated month name.
  • %d - is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number (01-31).
  • %m - is replaced by the month as a decimal number (01-12).
  • %Y or %y - is replaced by the year with (1998) or without (98) century.

Typing: Yields:
<eBayTime> 09/04/98, 16:48:41 PDT
<eBayTime FORMAT="%H:%M:%S"> 17:31:12 PM
<eBayTime FORMAT="%I:%M:%S %p"> 05:31:12 PM
<eBayTime FORMAT="%A %B %d, %Y"> Friday September 04, 1998
<eBayTime FORMAT="%m/%d/%y"> 09/04/98

Displaying your eBay Registration Date:
Purpose Displays the date of your registration.

<eBayMemberSince> - Displays your registration date.

<eBayMemberSince FORMAT="format specification"> - Assigns custom formatting to displayed date/time.

  • %H - is replaced by the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23).
  • %I - is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (01-12).
  • %M - is replaced by the minute as a decimal number (00-59).
  • %S - is replaced by the second as a decimal number (00-60).
  • %p - is replaced by the locale's equivalent of either "AM" or "PM".
  • %A or %a - is replaced by the locale's full or abbreviated weekday name.
  • %B or %b - is replaced by the locale's full or abbreviated month name.
  • %d - is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number (01-31).
  • %m - is replaced by the month as a decimal number (01-12).
  • %Y or %y - is replaced by the year with (1998) or without (98) century.

Typing: Yields:
<eBayMemberSince> 09/04/98, 16:48:41 PDT
<eBayMemberSince FORMAT="%H:%M:%S"> 17:31:12 PM
<eBayMemberSince FORMAT="%I:%M:%S %p"> 05:31:12 PM
<eBayMemberSince FORMAT="%A %B %d, %Y"> Friday September 04, 1998
<eBayMemberSince FORMAT="%m/%d/%y"> 09/04/98

Contact Customer SupportIf you have any questions, please contact Customer Support.