Marketplace Policy Tutorial


Thanks for taking our tutorial on eBay's Marketplace Policy. This tutorial will help show you:

  • How you can be a good community member, by making you aware of many of the “rules” with which we all need to comply

  • How you can best avoid violating eBay policies

  • Why eBay has policies and why these rules make the marketplace a better place to trade

This tutorial has 36 questions and should take around 45 minutes to complete.

When you're done, you should have a much better idea how to avoid unintended violations and how to interpret eBay’s approach to keeping the market place safe. Here we go!

The purpose of the market place tutorial is to help you get a better understanding of what the key “rules” of the marketplace, how to avoid unintended violations and give you further perspective on how eBay approaches its policies in general.

Ensuring that everyone in the community abides by the rules ensures a level playing field for all members, and long term ensures that more buyers use the eBay platform. In addition, it reduces enforcement costs for eBay which allows those funds to be used to build revenue enhancing features for our members.

This tutorial will not surface all possible policies and violations. It should, however, give you a good sense of how to avoid violations and what the consequences for violating them are, as well as address frequently asked questions for key policy areas. When in doubt, please refer to the policy link at the bottom of the home page or go to the Security Centre.

There’s one thing we should tell you: the information in this tutorial should not be thought of as legal advice. If you have a specific question about whether your listing, item or feedback comment is legal, you should contact a lawyer.
