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Buying and Selling on the core marketplace is FREE and eBay Singapore has added optional new features to help make your listings stand out and attract more buyers.
The Border option surrounds your listing with a coloured band to showcase it. Bold ensures that your listing title appears in Bold type, making it stand out from other listings in the browse and search results.
This Promotional Option will put your item in the special Featured section above the general Picture Gallery. Highlight adds an eye-catching coloured band to your listing in the browse and search results.
Differentiate your listing from other similar items by including a subtitle. A subtitle on your listing lets you provide additional information about the item that may catch a buyer's eye. Get the highest level of visibility on eBay by opting for this feature. Home Page Featured will either put your listing in a special display on eBay’s Homepage or list it in our special Featured Items section.
Let buyers see larger and more detailed images
(up to 800 x 800 pixels) of your items with Supersize.
Showcase your item in a variety of angles in one frame. Picture Show enables buyers to browse your item's pictures or run them in a slide show at the top of the item listing.
Let buyers see larger and more detailed images
(up to 800 x 800 pixels) of your items with Supersize.
Showcase your item in a variety of angles in one frame. Picture Show enables buyers to browse your item's pictures or run them in a slide show at the top of the item listing.
An ideal solution for sellers who are just starting out and want an affordable and easy-to-use platform to sell online. A more comprehensive solution for small-to-medium sized sellers who want to aggressively grow their online business.
An advanced solution for higher-volume sellers who want maximum exposure on eBay.