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Who sells on eBay?

From casual sellers looking to earn some extra pocket money to professional retailers, almost everyone is selling on eBay:

Local manufacturers : Expand your business beyond the domestic market. Increasing demand means greater outputs, lower overheads and higher margins.
Traders (Import/Export) : Distribute the risk of importing in bulk by selling excessive stock on eBay. It also serves as an additional channel to expand your business.
Domestic retailers : No rental and overheads, plus the ability to reach more than 80 million active buyers worldwide.
Domestic wholesaler/distributor : Sell excess stock on eBay. It also serves as an additional channel to expand your business.
Exporters : Use eBay as an additional channel to reach over 80 million potential active buyers.
Entrepreneurs/Business start-ups : With no space rentals, utilities costs, or other physical business-related overheads, eBay is a great low cost channel to reach buyers worldwide.


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