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theartcreations's Story

Meet W.P Chun, an award-winning artist who started selling on eBay 2 years ago. Find out how eBay changed her life after being diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. An inspirational individual who has touched many lives through her paintings.

Selling on eBay is more than just making additional income or occupying time, it has helped me a lot emotionally, through my cancer journey.


Q. How did you get started selling on eBay?
A. I started selling on eBay since I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. Treatments had made it impossible to work like before. I spent most of my time at home. To occupy myself, I started working on my watercolour paintings and found a channel to sell them - eBay. Painting is therapeutic for me. My inspiration for my art pieces are from my travels during my school days and from books.

Q. How did you come up with your eBay ID?
A. My eBay ID: theartcreations
Represents my faith and the gift I have been bestowed upon.

The small letter t represents a Cross (Christ) The word heartcreations means works/creations from my heart.

I hope that my paintings will touch people's heart and make them happy.

Q. Any interesting trading experience to share with us?
A. I encountered many wonderful trading experiences selling on eBay. The most valuable to me are the friends I made through selling on eBay. They shared stories with me about their family, pets, job etc. Their generous advice has helped me improve my sales on eBay. For example, popular sizes of painting, popular subject matter are very important research information which they readily shared with me. Some buyers thought I under valued my pieces so they paid me more than the final auction price of the paintings!

Q. How has selling on eBay changed your life?
A. Selling on eBay is more than just making additional income or occupying time, it has helped me a lot emotionally, through my cancer journey.

The interaction with the buyers & the positive feedback I received really cheer me up. I think its a form of therapy for me too. Everyday, I spend approximately 2 hours on eBay.

It is a great joy to know that people appreciate and value my watercolour paintings! I priced my paintings very low on eBay so that more people can own them.

Q. What tips would you give to budding artists out there who are thinking of selling their art on eBay?
A. It may seem a little tough at the beginning, press on & you will see results.

  • Be Honest.
  • Do not overcharge in shipping.
  • Be helpful. Respond to enquiries promptly.
  • Pictures are very important. Use good quality images.

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