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Global selling update

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Get more global visibility for your listings, show more shipping details to your buyers

(Applicable to eBay US only. Updates on other eBay sites are subject to further announcement)

Here are some great new reasons to expand your sales by going global! Coming up between June and August, if you offer items internationally, you'll be able to specify carrier and cost for more non-US buyers from the dropdown menu (when you list on eBay US site). Later in 2011, eBay may show your items in the main (or default) search results on eBay sites in other English-speaking countries.
  • Starting in June, you'll be able to specify carrier and cost for more international buyers.
  • Later this year, items offered internationally that specify international shipping information could receive increased exposure by being displayed in the main search results for eBay sites in Australia, Canada and the UK.
  • Specifying international shipping details on items offered to buyers in Australia, Canada and the UK will be required starting in August 2011.
  • Specify international shipping information on items you're making available to Australia, Canada and the UK. While it's not currently required, it will be required starting August 2011 for items offered to buyers in these countries. Plus, it helps increase your chance of making a sale to buyers in these countries!

  • Specify international shipping to make checkout quicker for your cross-border customers and help set buyer expectations for shipping costs. At a minimum, specify shipping for Australia, Canada, and the UK when selling in these markets.
  • Continue to add the International Site Visibility option to get your listings surfaced in the main search results in the UK.
  • Follow these best practices for international selling.

What is changing with the way I specify shipping?
Starting in June, you'll be able to specify more detailed shipping information for international buyers including carrier and cost. Adding this information helps set buyers' expectations regarding shipping costs when ordering from another country.

Later this year, items offered internationally with specified international shipping information may receive enhanced exposure by being displayed in the main search results on eBay sites in Australia, Canada, and the UK.

Starting in August, you'll be required specify your international shipping details on listings made available to Australia, Canada, and the UK.

I make my items available to Australia, Canada, and the UK now. How will my visibility change?
For now, your visibility to these countries does not change. This is how it works today:
  • If you make your items available to Canada, you automatically get default search placement for most categories on this site. (Items that are local pick-up only or ship via freight won't appear on the Canadian site.)
  • If you make your items available to Australia, your items may appear in the international search expansion box on this site. Most items do not receive placement in the default search results.
  • If you make your items available to the UK but don't purchase the International Search Visibility listing upgrade, your item may appear in the international search expansion box on the UK site. If you make your items available to the UK and purchase the ISV, you'll get access to UK default search.
Starting in August, you'll need to also specify a shipping service to these countries in order to qualify for access to their default search. If you have not updated listings before this date, you may continue to get access to the UK and Canadian sites through the International Search Expansion box for a limited time.

Example of the international search expansion box.

Why are you making this change?
With greater visibility for listings across multiple international eBay sites, buyers will have more kinds of products to choose from – and you'll have increased visibility and sales opportunities.

What will my listings look like on a non-English language site?
Initially, these changes will only take place on the English-language eBay sites (Australia, Canada, and the UK). Your listing will look very similar on these sites as it does on the US site.