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Item Descriptions
Where Is The Item Description?

Before you bid on or buy an item, it is crucial that you read the item description thoroughly. Not only will the item description tell you more about what you are buying, it should also tell you about who is selling the item, what payment methods they accept, the cost of postage and any terms and conditions of sale.

The item description is written by the seller and can be found beneath the item title, photo (if there is one) and the seller and item information on the 'item description page'.

What Information Is Important?
Some of the important information to look for when reading through the item description includes:
  • The condition of the item
  • Is the item exactly what you want?
  • What type of payment methods does the seller accept?
  • How much is postage and how long will it take?
  • Does the seller offer insurance?
  • Are there terms and conditions of sale, or a guarantee / warranty, that could effect the transaction?

What If I Need More Information?
If the item description cannot answer all of your questions, you should always ask the seller a question.

You can ask the seller a question by clicking on the relevant link in the top right and area of the item description page.

  Note: If the seller does not answer your question, or doesn't answer it satisfactorily, do not bid on or buy the item.

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