Buyer Education

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Why Should I Register?

Registering on eBay is fast and easy. Over 157 million people are registered members of eBay worldwide. You need to register before you can:
  • Bid on or buy an item.
  • Sell an item.
  • Conduct a completed items search to view items recently sold, what they sold for and how they were promoted.
  • Access eBay's Community - with discussion boards and answer centre.

How Much Does It Cost to Register?
Registration is free for both buyers and sellers.

How Can I Register on eBay?

  1. Simply click on Register at the top of any eBay page and follow the easy prompts.
  2. Enter your contact information in the fields provided. Your information will be kept private on eBay's secure servers. Be sure to enter an email address that you can check right away.
  3. Choose your User ID and password. You'll use them to sign in to eBay from now on.
  4. Check your email - eBay will send you a message with a link and instructions for confirming your registration.
  Note: If you register using a Web-based ("anonymous") email address, such as an email address from Yahoo!, Google or Hotmail, you may be asked to complete an extra step to verify your identity.

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