Category Changes
Here at eBay Singapore, we are constantly trying to develop a category structure that makes it as easy as possible for buyers to find the items they are looking for. Changes are made in response to the introduction of new models and technologies, or as the size of categories grow and become increasingly difficult to browse.
Below is a list of current
categories on and any changes scheduled for the next rollout.
You can click on any of the following categories to view category
structure changes, including new categories, name changes and moved categories.
A big thank you
to all the members who have provided feedback on the content structure. These suggestions were taken into account when designing the new structure.
The next rollout is currently
scheduled for the week of Monday January 15, 2007.
All sellers are encouraged to update Turbo Lister during the lead-up to the rollout of a new category structure. Please note also that some listings may be moved as categories change or are renamed.